Jambura Early Childhood Education Journal is a journal that focuses on early childhood studies, discussing parents-child relationship, multiple intelligences, and pedagogies. This journal is published by the Education Teacher and Early Childhood Education Department, Gorontalo State University, which aims to facilitate professionals, academics, researchers, scholars and university students whose conduct empirical and original work. The Jambura Journal publishes articles on Early Childhood Education twice a year, every January and July.

ISSN ONLINE: 2716-2974 | ISSN PRINT: 2654-752X


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Open Recruitment to be Honorable Editor and Reviewer


JECEJ: JAMBURA Early Childhood Education Journal editorial board welcomes you to join us to be Editor and Reviewer.
Status: Part-time
Working language: Indonesian and English
Working style: Internet-based
Payment: Voluntary job, no payment

Why review?

Peer review – and reviewers – are at the heart of the academic publishing process.
There are great benefits to becoming a reviewer. You can:
1. Establish your expertise in the field and expand your knowledge
2. Improve your reputation and increase your exposure to key figures in the field
3. Stay up to date with the latest literature and have advanced access to research results
4. Develop critical thinking skills essential to research
5. Advance in your career – peer review is an essential role for researchers

a). possess a master or doctoral degree in the specific subject related closely to the JECEJ: JAMBURA Early Childhood Education Journal;
b). hold a job at a university or academic organization, in a teaching or research position;
c). be fluent in academic and professional English;
d). have a strong interest in scholarly journal;
e). work quickly and accurately to tight deadlines.

How to apply
Complete application form http://bit.ly/FormJECEJ

Thank You very much.

Read more about Open Recruitment to be Honorable Editor and Reviewer

Current Issue

Vol 6 No 1 (2024): Jambura Early Childhood Education Journal
Published: 2024-01-20


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