• Waode Eti Hardiyanti Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
Keywords: teachers’ views; inclusive education; policy and practice


The aim of this research is to investigate the implementation of inclusive education index from Booth and Ainscow. This paper reports a qualitative case study that explored seven early childhood teachers’ views in Gorontalo about how policy and practice of inclusive in their settings. Data were taken through questionnaires and open-ended question adapted from inclusive education index. The result shows that some teachers feel as outsiders which tend to create the segregation amongst teachers. Meanwhile, others think they need to get support to truly understand what is the value of inclusive and help to provide the needs of each child. These supports can come from other teachers, researchers, or other professions as part of their professional development to implement inclusive education. Then by encouraging feedback and a mentoring program, the opportunity of being flexible, adaptable and resourceful enhance teacher to be reflective on thinking if how to be an inclusive teacher. Therefore, a genuine leader that support inclusive values produce written expectations about how people work together, use resources and provide educational programs for students in the school.


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