• Kristiana Maryani
Keywords: the teacher's role; home learning; early childhood


The purpose of this study is to learn the role of teachers in implementing learning at home in early childhood. The role of the teacher during the learning process is important to achieve learning goals and make students develop their potential. During the covid pandemic 19 the learning process was carried out at home to increase the spread of the covid 19 virus, therefore the role of the teacher was not all observed or appeared during the learning process at home. This study used a qualitative descriptive method with the subjects of the study were PAUD Salsabila Ciracas East Jakarta teachers who examined 6 people. Data collection is done by interviews, documentation, and interviews. Data analysis was performed using the Miles and Huberman model, which was carried out by reduction, displaying data, and verification data. The results of the study stated that during the implementation of learning carried out at home the role of the teacher that emerged was as a guide, informator, organizer, motivator, initiator, evaluator and facilitator. While the role of the teacher as a mediator does not appear during learning at home.


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