• Elfiadi Elfiadi PIAUD IAIN Lhokseumawe-Aceh
Keywords: Children's Stories; Educational Value; Communication


This study aims to describe the educational values contained in the children's story by S. Haryanto Arkoboesono. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method with a structural approach as is widely used in literary research. The research technique used is document analysis. The data source of this research was obtained through stories in the book Collection of Children's Stories by S. Haryanto Arkoboesono consisting of seven stories. The results of data analysis showed that the theme of the story in general was the theme of education. The mandate in the story contains many lessons that can be used as guidelines for life. The characters used in the story are human figures and animal characters who behave like humans. The setting contained in the story consists of place settings, time settings, and social settings. Furthermore, the educative values contained in the story are the value of love and affection, the value of tolerance, the value of honesty, the value of appreciation, the value of simplicity, the value of peace, the value of humility, the value of happiness, the value of cooperation / help, help, the value of freedom, value unity, and value of responsibility.


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