• Nunung Suryana Jamin
Keywords: free to learn, social distancing, health protocols


The research is based on changes in activity during the Covid-19 pandemics, demanding everyone's willingness to change their habits in accordance with the Covid-19 health protocols to inhibit the spread of corona viruses by doing various activities at home, including study at home. The purpose of this research is to describe the implementation of free to learn and social distancing, especially the health protocol in the Covid-19 pandemic family in Libuo, Gorontalo city. The methods of study used are qualitative methods. Research instruments using interviews and observations. The subject of research is two families consisting of fathers, mothers, and having children aged 0-8 years old. The results showed that the implementation of health protocol in Aji family has been seen even though it is not optimal. For example, leaving the house just the important things and wearing masks, not crowded and keep the cleanliness and maintain the condition of the body. Meanwhile, in the family of Pulu, the implementation of health protocols looks no matter and lack of the attention of parents to their children. For example: Mr. Pulu is less able to keep a distance of 1-2 m with others, rarely wear masks, and does not provide handwashing place with water and soap in his place of business. As for the implementation of free to learn in the home both by the Aji family and the Pulu family began with a simple innovation by using the WA application. Therefore, it can be concluded that the implementation of free to learn and Social distancing in particular the health protocols in the pandemic Covid-19 family in Libuo, Gorontalo city is not optimal, need caring and more intense communication between family members and between families with related parties.


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