Pada laman ini, Kami menyajikan jurnal-jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Penulis dan pembaca dapat mengakses jurnal-jurnal yang kami terbitkan. Jika anda tertarik untuk mengirimkan artikel, silakan menghubungi atau mengirim artikel pada jurnal masing-masing jurnal ilmiah di bawah ini.

Semoga bermanfaat!


  • Jurnal Pengabdian Pedagogika

    Jurnal Pengabdian Pedagogika merupakan publikasi ilmiah berkala yang diperuntukkan bagi peneliti yang tentunya membahas tentang pengabdian masyarakat pada bidang pendidikan. Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun yaitu bulan Mei dan November.

  • Jambura Journal of Educational Management

    Jambura Journal of Educational Management (JJEM) is a scientific journal in the field of Education Management. JJEM is published by the Department of Education Management, Faculty of Education science at the State University of Gorontalo. The purpose of this journal is to provide a place for academics, researchers and practitioners to publish original research articles or review articles. Jambura Journal of Education Management (JJEM) Published twice a year in March and September. ISSN Online: 2721-2106 , DOI Prefix: 10.37411


    PEDAGOGIKA is a scientific periodical journal published by Gorontalo State University, Faculty of Education. PEDAGOGIKA with registered number ISSN p-2086-4469, ISSN e-2716-0580 is a collection of educational scientific articles, especially in the fields of educational sciences such as Educational Management, Guidance and Counseling, Primary/Elementary and Teacher Education, Early Childhood and Teacher Education, Educational Technology and others. PEDAGOGIKA were a publication for academics and practitioners in the field of education published articles resulting in research. PEDAGOGIKA rise 2 (two) times a year in April and October.

    ISSN Online 2716-0580 ISSN Print 2086-4469

  • Jambura Early Childhood Education Journal

    Jambura Early Childhood Education Journal is a journal that focuses on early childhood studies, discussing parent-child relationships, multiple intelligences, and pedagogies. This journal is published by the Education Teacher and Early Childhood Education Department,  which aims to facilitate professionals, academics, researchers, scholars, and university students who conduct empirical and original work. The Jambura Journal publishes articles on Early Childhood Education twice a year, every January and July.

    ISSN ONLINE: 2716-2974 | ISSN PRINT: 2654-752X

  • JAMBURA Elementary Education Journal

    The Jambura Elementary Education Journal is published by the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program, Faculty of Education, State University of Gorontalo. This jurnal is intended to publish articles on the results of thought, research and community service. The aim of this Journal is to have research results specifically on the education of elementary school teachers from practitioners, academics, researchers, and education observers. The scope of articles published is about basic education or elementary school related to the theory and practice of teaching and learning, curriculum development, learning materials, learning models, learning methods and learning media. The Jambura Basic Education Scientific Journal is published twice a year in June and December.

    ISSN ONLINE : 2723-6307

  • Jambura Journal of Community Empowerment

    Jambura Journal of Community Empowerment (JJCE) contains articles of research results and / or analytical-critical studies in the field of out-of-school education specifically on adult education studies, community education, training and human resource development, and community development. The specifications of the study are aimed at exploring, developing, and explaining knowledge about the history, philosophy, principles, policies, designs, and technologies used and developed in educational services outside the school system. JJCE plays a role and participates in efforts to support the preservation of scientific traditions that originate from theoretical studies of researchers and praxis experiences from educational practitioners.

    E-ISSN 2721-0480 / DOI Prefix: 10.37411

  • JAMBURA Guidance and Counseling Journal

    JAMBURA Guidance and Counseling Journal (JGCJ) is a scientific journal published by the Department of Counseling Guidance at the Faculty of Education, Gorontalo State University. The publication of this journal aims to disseminate new theories and accepts manuscripts in the field of research includes scientific fields relevant to: Professional Counseling, School Counseling, Psychology Counseling, Career Counseling, International Counseling and Multicultural Issues, Counseling Supervision, Marriage and Family Counseling, Mental Health, Theory Development, and Integrative Reviews from Counseling and Related Fields. Journal that published edition twice a year in May and November. We accept articles in English and Indonesian.

    E-ISSN 2722-1628 - DOI Prefix: 10.37411

  • Student Journal of Community Education

    Student Journal of Community Education (SJCE) provides a forum for debate on the principles and practice of lifelong education, adult, continuing, recurrent and initial education and learning, Early Childhood Education, whether in formal, institutional or informal settings. Common themes include social purpose in lifelong education, sociological, law, humanities, arts, tourism, culture, health, policy and political studies of lifelong education.

    E-ISSN: 2828-9927 DOI Prefix: 10.37411

  • Student Journal of Educational Management

    Student Journal of Educational Management (SJEM) is a scientific journal in the field of Education Management. SJEM is published by the Department of Education Management, Faculty of Education science at the State University of Gorontalo. The purpose of this journal is to provide a place for academics, researchers and practitioners to publish original research articles or review articles. The aims of this journal is to provide a venue for academicians, researchers and practitioners for publishing the original research articles or review articles. The scope of the articles published in this journal deal with a broad range of topics, including: curriculum management and learning, student management,  management of educational infrastructure,  Education HR management (educators and education personnel),  Financial management / education funding,  management of school and community relations,  educational culture and climate, educational leadership, class management, character building, educational innovation. Online ISSN: 2809-9184, DOI Prefix: 10.37411


  • Student Journal of Early Childhood Education

    The Student Journal of Early Childhood Education provides research in the field of early childhood which applies theory and research within academic and professional communities for students, lecturers, and practitioners. The Student Journal of Early Childhood Education publishes original, high-quality, international early childhood research which is at the forefront of current theory and practice. Original studies which push methodological boundaries and generate new knowledge to enhance the lives of young children, their families and educators, is a key feature of this journal. We particularly welcome in-depth, and original qualitative studies which offer new insights into young children and the issues that affect them. The Student Journal of Early Childhood Education is published twice a year, March and September.  

    Online ISSN: 2809-9168         DOI Prefix: 10.37411

  • Student Journal of Elementary Education

    The Student Journal of Elementary Education (SJEE) is published by the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program, Faculty of Education, State University of Gorontalo. This jurnal is intended to publish articles on the results of thought, research and community service. The aim of this Journal is to have research results specifically on the education of elementary school teachers from practitioners, academics, researchers, and education observers. The scope of articles published is about basic education or elementary school related to the theory and practice of teaching and learning, curriculum development, learning materials, learning models, learning methods and learning media. The SJEE is published twice a year in April and October.

  • Student Journal of Guidance and Counseling

    Student Journal of Guidance and Counseling (SJGC) adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh JurusanBimbingan dan Konseling Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Publikasi jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menyebarkan teori-teori baru dan menerima naskah penelitian ilmiah yang relevan dengan bidang: Konseling Profesional, Konseling Sekolah, Konseling Psikologi, Konseling Karir, Konseling Internasional dan Masalah Multikultural, Konseling Supervisi, Konseling Pernikahan dan Konseling Keluarga, Kesehatan Mental, Pengembangan Teori, dan Tinjauan Integratif dari Konseling dan Bidang Terkait. Jurnal ini diterbitkan dua kali edisi dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan April dan Oktober. Kami menerima artikel dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia.

    Student Journal of Guidance and Counseling (SJGC) is a scientific journal published by the Department of Counseling Guidance at the Faculty of Education, Gorontalo State University. The publication of this journal aims to disseminate new theories and accepts manuscripts in the field of research includes scientific fields relevant to: Professional Counseling, School Counseling, Psychology Counseling, Career Counseling, International Counseling and Multicultural Issues, Counseling Supervision, Marriage and Family Counseling, Mental Health, Theory Development, and Integrative Reviews from Counseling and Related Fields. Journal that published edition twice a year in April and October. We accept articles in English and Indonesian.

    E-ISSN : 2828-9129     DOI Prefix: 10.37411